
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Insanity Day 2

So I repeat my whine that I am in such horrible shape from yesterday. Today, Day 2 was a 44 minute workout called Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I did pretty good, didn't survive the entire thing, but I did make it through 24 minutes. Its progress. Especially when I was already sweating and gasping for air after only the warm up.
I do love the set up of these exercises. A timer to let you know how long until your next 30 second water break. A total time count down, and an instructor who actually speaks to the camera the way one would to an actual person.

The work out starts with jogging, then jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, the heisman, 1-2-3 (side stepping and doing the heisman), then mummy kicks. I must admit that the most difficult one for me to do is the 1-2-3. I am not coordinated enough for this movement. I nearly trip and fall everytime. It would actually be pretty funny to watch me attempt.
I'm getting better, this 60 day program may take me a little longer than 60 days to get the desired results, but at least I'm working on it. I'll keep y'all posted.

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