Today I made use of our rice cooker/veggie steamer we got from the wedding and our food processor and cooked up some of the broccoli and carrots. Since obviously Sophie isn't born yet, and I don't have any jars or cans and no idea how to do either of those, I have to find a way to save this food. I have a large ice cube tray that will make perfect 1 oz servings. Stick them in the freezer until solid, then I can simply put them in zip lock baggies until she is ready to eat them.
I did find out via the internet that I probably shouldn't give her broccoli until she is about 8 months old due to the high fiber and the tendency to cause gas. But, I am prepared for when she is ready. I'm not being neurotic, which most people tend to attribute to me since I like to be overly prepared for many random situations. I am just trying to keep from wasting money on veggies that I cannot possibly eat all of before it goes bad by myself.
So at 4 months old I can start giving her fruits, like apples, bananas, peaches, pears and veggies like sweet potatoes and squash. So anytime we have an extra of these, I will save and make into baby food and save. Doing the research, it is so much cheaper to make your own baby food than it is to buy. For example, $0.24 per oz for store bought food versus only $0.02-$0.04 per oz of home made. Plus you know exactly what is in the home made without any additives.
I know making your own food isn't something everyone can do, especially if you have a job, but since I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment, it makes sense right now. Plus it will help offset me not bringing in much income.
I am still selling Scentsy and will hopefully be able to have a few parties here in the near future. Although we didn't make very much at the APG Yard Sale this past Saturday, I did have a few women who were very interested and took my information about having a home party and ordering. I am also trying to get everything situated in the house so that I can start doing Open Houses on weekends and try to bring in business that way, as well as meet more people around here.
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