That is the question that I am sitting on right now. Which is going to be a more economical solution for us to do?
Given that newborn diapers bought online in a case of 140 diapers for $31 and you supposedly use 72 diapers on average each week, we will spend around $186 in the first 3 months of her life. From between 3-6 months if they use 5-7 a day, at $47.19 per box of 276, it would be an additional $94.38. Then from 6-11 months an average of 5 diapers a day for $47.19 for an additional box of 276 diapers. This does not account for the difference in sizes which will obviously skew the numbers since she will not wear the same size diaper for 6 months so 1 box will not last that long. But given these numbers, it will be at least $327.57 for the first year in diaper cost. Plus the use of baby wipes. I can get a box of 720 baby wipes for $20.49.
I know that the upfront cost of using cloth diapers is a little bit more, but will this save us money in the long run?
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Making use of unemployment
So I am still unemployed. I am trying to make use of my time to get things ready for Sophie, making use of what I have here. Adam just left for the week to go to Fort Belvoir to get work done at the dental clinic there and we had 2 heads of broccoli and a bag of carrots we bought last week that I didn't want to go bad.
Today I made use of our rice cooker/veggie steamer we got from the wedding and our food processor and cooked up some of the broccoli and carrots. Since obviously Sophie isn't born yet, and I don't have any jars or cans and no idea how to do either of those, I have to find a way to save this food. I have a large ice cube tray that will make perfect 1 oz servings. Stick them in the freezer until solid, then I can simply put them in zip lock baggies until she is ready to eat them.
I did find out via the internet that I probably shouldn't give her broccoli until she is about 8 months old due to the high fiber and the tendency to cause gas. But, I am prepared for when she is ready. I'm not being neurotic, which most people tend to attribute to me since I like to be overly prepared for many random situations. I am just trying to keep from wasting money on veggies that I cannot possibly eat all of before it goes bad by myself.
Today I made use of our rice cooker/veggie steamer we got from the wedding and our food processor and cooked up some of the broccoli and carrots. Since obviously Sophie isn't born yet, and I don't have any jars or cans and no idea how to do either of those, I have to find a way to save this food. I have a large ice cube tray that will make perfect 1 oz servings. Stick them in the freezer until solid, then I can simply put them in zip lock baggies until she is ready to eat them.
I did find out via the internet that I probably shouldn't give her broccoli until she is about 8 months old due to the high fiber and the tendency to cause gas. But, I am prepared for when she is ready. I'm not being neurotic, which most people tend to attribute to me since I like to be overly prepared for many random situations. I am just trying to keep from wasting money on veggies that I cannot possibly eat all of before it goes bad by myself.
So at 4 months old I can start giving her fruits, like apples, bananas, peaches, pears and veggies like sweet potatoes and squash. So anytime we have an extra of these, I will save and make into baby food and save. Doing the research, it is so much cheaper to make your own baby food than it is to buy. For example, $0.24 per oz for store bought food versus only $0.02-$0.04 per oz of home made. Plus you know exactly what is in the home made without any additives.
I know making your own food isn't something everyone can do, especially if you have a job, but since I have plenty of time on my hands at the moment, it makes sense right now. Plus it will help offset me not bringing in much income.
I am still selling Scentsy and will hopefully be able to have a few parties here in the near future. Although we didn't make very much at the APG Yard Sale this past Saturday, I did have a few women who were very interested and took my information about having a home party and ordering. I am also trying to get everything situated in the house so that I can start doing Open Houses on weekends and try to bring in business that way, as well as meet more people around here.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Slacker of the Year goes to...
I have been completely lazy in my blogging lately. In fact, I have simply been extremely lazy in all regards this year. I originally started this post 3 months ago, and today I pick it up again to finish it.
We have moved to Aberdeen, Maryland this month. We are living on post in a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath townhouse with a nice carport and plenty of additional storage. We are slowly but surely getting everything unpacked and set up. Slowly is the operative word since last week I got put on bed rest for 24 hours but Adam is a worrier so he made it like 48-60 hours.
On Thursday we went to Lowes and bought me 2 rose bushes and a calla lily to plant in our little flower bed area then went to lunch. When we pulled into the parking lot for some Chinese food I suddenly got a sharp pain in my abdomen. I assumed that Sophie just moved into a bad position and was pushing on a nerve or a muscle or something to cause it. We went in, had lunch but I couldn't get the pain to cease or anything. As I stood up to leave the pain felt so much worse and I couldn't stand up straight or even get into the truck without Adam's help. Adam of course freaked and immediately took me to the clinic on post to see what the issue was. APG is a very small installation and does not have any OB equipment so after they did the normal triage stuff I got an ambulance ride to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center to get checked out. I cannot lie and say I wasn't worried, but I knew that Sophie was okay because she would still kick (right where I hurt). I was hooked up to a fetal heart rate monitor and a monitor for contractions to ensure I wasn't going into preterm labor. Thank God that I wasn't. Turns out that I strained the round ligament on my right side due to the increased activity lately. And no, I have not been over doing it, even the increased amount of walking we've done has contributed to it.
Our dining room is set up minus hanging up a painting (and a rug which we have to get at a later point in time). The kitchen, our bedroom, and guest bath are complete. the living room/office area is mostly complete as is our bathroom and the guest bedroom (just needs curtains and a little bit of storage cleanup). Sophie's room is the only one that is in total disarray. We need to get a dresser for all the clothing that my wonderful cousin Karen and amazing friend Augusta gave us. If we even tried to buy the amount of stuff they gave us we would be completely broke right now. We are both very blessed. Once we get our downstairs set up we can start doing Scentsy Open Houses and hopefully start bringing in some business.
(The above was written May 20th)
The slacking has continued as we try and continue to get things in our life set up.
We have moved to Aberdeen, Maryland this month. We are living on post in a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath townhouse with a nice carport and plenty of additional storage. We are slowly but surely getting everything unpacked and set up. Slowly is the operative word since last week I got put on bed rest for 24 hours but Adam is a worrier so he made it like 48-60 hours.
On Thursday we went to Lowes and bought me 2 rose bushes and a calla lily to plant in our little flower bed area then went to lunch. When we pulled into the parking lot for some Chinese food I suddenly got a sharp pain in my abdomen. I assumed that Sophie just moved into a bad position and was pushing on a nerve or a muscle or something to cause it. We went in, had lunch but I couldn't get the pain to cease or anything. As I stood up to leave the pain felt so much worse and I couldn't stand up straight or even get into the truck without Adam's help. Adam of course freaked and immediately took me to the clinic on post to see what the issue was. APG is a very small installation and does not have any OB equipment so after they did the normal triage stuff I got an ambulance ride to Upper Chesapeake Medical Center to get checked out. I cannot lie and say I wasn't worried, but I knew that Sophie was okay because she would still kick (right where I hurt). I was hooked up to a fetal heart rate monitor and a monitor for contractions to ensure I wasn't going into preterm labor. Thank God that I wasn't. Turns out that I strained the round ligament on my right side due to the increased activity lately. And no, I have not been over doing it, even the increased amount of walking we've done has contributed to it.
Our dining room is set up minus hanging up a painting (and a rug which we have to get at a later point in time). The kitchen, our bedroom, and guest bath are complete. the living room/office area is mostly complete as is our bathroom and the guest bedroom (just needs curtains and a little bit of storage cleanup). Sophie's room is the only one that is in total disarray. We need to get a dresser for all the clothing that my wonderful cousin Karen and amazing friend Augusta gave us. If we even tried to buy the amount of stuff they gave us we would be completely broke right now. We are both very blessed. Once we get our downstairs set up we can start doing Scentsy Open Houses and hopefully start bringing in some business.
(The above was written May 20th)
The slacking has continued as we try and continue to get things in our life set up.
We got Sophie's room all set up (minus things like a mattress, changing pad, and stuff like that). Her walls are all painted; one wall is painted Pink Whisper by Valspar with circles painted in Very Berry, Nautical, Berries Galore and Roasted Coffee. On the other 3 walls we added circles in the Pink Whisper to carry the theme around the room. I have actually sorted through all of the clothing so generously given to us from our friend and cousin.
(Yes that is our "I [love] My Big Al" onsie that I am planning on using to bring her home from the hospital in, draped over the edge of the crib)
We have been getting things all set up here. I had an interview at Picerne Military Housing here on post to be a Relocation Specialist on Tuesday. I really hope things went well, I should hopefully know whether I got the job on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me- this job would relieve about 82 tons of stress out of my life right now.
Thursday Adam and I drove down to Franklin Square Medical Center and had a follow up sonogram to check on things due to issues found at our 20 week one done in Wichita Falls. After that appointment I was informed that I had a low lying placenta which doesn't exactly cause issues with the pregnancy but more the delivery. Because of being early in the pregnancy the doctor wasn't entirely worried about it and just wanted it to be sure and recheck later since it usually moves upward as the uterus expands. I am so thankful that it did. Another matter of stress was being informed once we got here, which Wichita Falls Dr did not tell us, was that I have a 2 vessel cord instead of the normal 3 vessels. Normally there are 2 arteries and 1 vein in the umbilical cord to supply blood and nutrients to the baby. This is something that is relatively common apparently with side effects ranging from nothing up to being born small, heart defects or even Down Syndrome. Well, we've done the chromosomal testing and Sophie is good there, her heart looks perfect, and as of yesterday- she is DEFINITELY not small. Given her measurements she may actually be born in August rather than September. I know that only potentially moves her up a week or so but since 6 weeks ago she was measuring almost a week small, I am so thankful. Sophie has big feet, long legs, and her Daddy's head size- measuring in the 97.7%
We are looking forward to people coming to visit us. I know my sister in law is planning on visiting with her family in July, as is one of Adam's former coworker who is going to stop through sometime in July. Nanny and Papaw are going to probably take a road trip up here before the baby gets here since they are also coming up in December for the Army Navy game up in Philadelphia. My Aunt Kathy is planning on being here for the birth so she will be coming up end of August/early September. SIL is planning on heading our way as soon as she gets the word from Adam as well. I do want our family to know that they are always welcome to come visit, just let us know when since we only have 1 spare bed and 1 large couch (2 people can easily sleep on it). I'm not exactly sure when my Dad is coming up, but I recommended end of September/early October that way I can have some semblance of an idea what I am doing before he gets here.
And so, before I get too bored again or distracted, I guess I should end this blog otherwise it will be another few weeks before I ever finish and post something again. I promise- future posts will definitely be shorter and more on a single thought.
(Yes that is our "I [love] My Big Al" onsie that I am planning on using to bring her home from the hospital in, draped over the edge of the crib)
We have been getting things all set up here. I had an interview at Picerne Military Housing here on post to be a Relocation Specialist on Tuesday. I really hope things went well, I should hopefully know whether I got the job on either Tuesday or Wednesday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me- this job would relieve about 82 tons of stress out of my life right now.
Thursday Adam and I drove down to Franklin Square Medical Center and had a follow up sonogram to check on things due to issues found at our 20 week one done in Wichita Falls. After that appointment I was informed that I had a low lying placenta which doesn't exactly cause issues with the pregnancy but more the delivery. Because of being early in the pregnancy the doctor wasn't entirely worried about it and just wanted it to be sure and recheck later since it usually moves upward as the uterus expands. I am so thankful that it did. Another matter of stress was being informed once we got here, which Wichita Falls Dr did not tell us, was that I have a 2 vessel cord instead of the normal 3 vessels. Normally there are 2 arteries and 1 vein in the umbilical cord to supply blood and nutrients to the baby. This is something that is relatively common apparently with side effects ranging from nothing up to being born small, heart defects or even Down Syndrome. Well, we've done the chromosomal testing and Sophie is good there, her heart looks perfect, and as of yesterday- she is DEFINITELY not small. Given her measurements she may actually be born in August rather than September. I know that only potentially moves her up a week or so but since 6 weeks ago she was measuring almost a week small, I am so thankful. Sophie has big feet, long legs, and her Daddy's head size- measuring in the 97.7%
We are looking forward to people coming to visit us. I know my sister in law is planning on visiting with her family in July, as is one of Adam's former coworker who is going to stop through sometime in July. Nanny and Papaw are going to probably take a road trip up here before the baby gets here since they are also coming up in December for the Army Navy game up in Philadelphia. My Aunt Kathy is planning on being here for the birth so she will be coming up end of August/early September. SIL is planning on heading our way as soon as she gets the word from Adam as well. I do want our family to know that they are always welcome to come visit, just let us know when since we only have 1 spare bed and 1 large couch (2 people can easily sleep on it). I'm not exactly sure when my Dad is coming up, but I recommended end of September/early October that way I can have some semblance of an idea what I am doing before he gets here.
And so, before I get too bored again or distracted, I guess I should end this blog otherwise it will be another few weeks before I ever finish and post something again. I promise- future posts will definitely be shorter and more on a single thought.
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